Monday, December 10, 2007

A Very Special Day...

The holidays are coming so soon, and sometimes, like this weekend when White Christmas came on the radio, I think of my GiGi, and how I miss her so much. But this year, it seems like I miss her even more, and the joy she had brought to not just my life, but everyone around her. If you knew her, I don't even need to explain.
And so this year, as December 10th, 2007, 20 years to the day since she passed, I have decided to reflect upon the time that we have with family, and the time we had with family.

My last Christmas with her was so special. GiGi had a special jewelry box where she kept my dress up jewelry, jewelry she wasn't ready to give me, but that sure made me look stunning, at 9 years old, for a grand party with her mink stole. On the Christmas after she passed, that jewelry box was wrapped up for me, with a card from GiGi, and I remember thinking, even at 9 years old, she knew. She knew that she wasn't going to be there in body for Christmas, and had to find a way to be there otherwise, and to show her love and support for her family.

So as White Christmas played on the radio this weekend, one of her favorite songs to have me play on the record player, I think of her, and the special moments that she brought to my life, and just how lucky I am, to have known and loved her for my first 9 years. Okay, no tears.