Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To boldly go where no Bleske has gone before...

It's a girl! Yep, Michael has done the impossible... after 76 years of all boys, we finally have a Bleske girl!
We are very excited, and my mom and Midge went with us to the ultrasound. However, she wouldn't cooperate with us, and after my birthday dinner the night before (a full stomach of italian), she wanted to sleep all day... not even give us a little peek! They had me try it all... run around the complex, eat chocolate, but in the end, she just wanted to sleep. So they made us come back after lunch (she suggested jalapenos, see previous post), and try again.

I thought I would post some of the really cool ultrasound pictures... although, thank you Mel for pointing this out, poor thing is having her hoo-ha shown all around town and she isn't even out of the womb yet!

1 comment:

Erin Brummitt said...

Awww!! so cute... congrats on breaking the chain :)